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Oct 31, 2019

Georgia is one of the world’s top women speakers and leading expert in personal and professional development. Widely known as a dynamic and entertaining speaker and a highly sought after trainer, she has helped to motivate and inspire an entire generation.  

She has been featured in media outlets such as; 

Oct 24, 2019

Nancy Guberti is a Functional Medicine Specialist, Nutritionist, and passionate to empower others to become their own health advocate and learn how to live a healthier lifestyle. Nancy is very passionate about wellness because of personal experience of healing her son with liver issues and food allergies over 20 years...

Oct 17, 2019

Carolina is an Amazon’s bestselling author, health coach expert, lifestyle consultant and personal yoga teacher. She has worked with over 10000 clients in the past 15 years on improving lifestyle to improve their health.

She coined the phrase “Make your 10 minutes of personal yoga fun” to emphasize how we yogis...

Oct 10, 2019

Hitoshi was born in Missouri, and at the age of 10 moved to Tokyo, Japan. As a young adult, he attended University in Wisconsin, graduating in Russian Literature studies.

He eventually decided to attend film school in Moscow, Russia shortly after the collapse of the USSR. He has been making short films ever since.


Oct 3, 2019

Gianna Miceli is a functional diagnostic health coach who works with women in the throes of perimenopause and menopause.

As an advocate for mature women’s health, she eliminates the stigma attached to women in the change of life.

After a metabolic analysis and nutritional evaluation, she helps her clients overcome...